Sunday, March 29, 2015

Design Brief

                                                                                                                      Our final 2nd activity,our desing was from the of How I Met Your Mother. It is a bank.. and painted with black with white windows and also the GNB sign. (left was our work and right was the real)

Last hours...

Our idea was Sir Oro would submit the grades. My 2 groupmates did the paintings. I was kinda pissed because I was the only one who did the most work... We finished it. Then CJ tried if that was working but sadly he broke it (accidentaly?) and it worked but sir Oro was not able to see that that was working. We painted it.

I know, I know

Sice the deadline is the next day, I had to finish that the same day. I started at 3 pm of March 29, 2015 then paused to 6pm for dinner. Then continued again at 7pm and paused to 3am of March 30, 2015. Since I am only alone, its really difficult.

GNB: Ted Mosby's design (from How I Met Your Mother)

Trying for our second time, I thought that changing the design would be a great idea.
These are the suggestions:

  • Taj Mahal
  • Lily Temple
  • Eiffel Tower
  • Big Ben
       While watching How I Met Your Mother, I realized that the character there has a design for a bank building. which is...

Amazing, right?

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Design Brief: 2nd Activity

Superman... as they said. Flashlight compartment.It was color black and from Burj Al Aral of Dubai. The top had a superman logo. it has celophane for the effect.

Brief Design: 3rd Activity

When its night, we want to have a light and at the same time, a compartment.

Imagine senario where we need light while lost in the forest and at the same time holding a bunch of personal stuff. We thought the idea is very good that we have the compartment and light. Our design is colour black. It has the cool holes for the amazing effect. The compartments were 5. It has 1 LED and its color green. We design this because some may copy it for efficiency and its very easy to make.

Final week: -_-

So here we are... so haggard doing that 2 activities! For the whole Tuesday and a half of Monday, all we did was finishing the artifact...

We are doing so well but we are lacking in materials. I am looking forward to finish the artifact that Alec and George finish the 2nd and I will finish the 3rd...

Saturday, March 14, 2015

3rd day: Just finishing with the paintings.

Yeah. We finished.... painting. We left the artifact in the Ad Tech room for its drying. Hope next week we'll finish that. *fingers crossed*

2nd day: Black for the win! LOL pa kasi.

Alec and I painted the artifact for the whole period.

1st day: Solder day... is it?

We planned to solder the bulbs to its wires. Throughout the period we tried to solder but it's just difficult because of the tool we used is not functioning well. We didn't finished that...

I also updated if they have any idea for the 3rd...still none -_-

Week 7: How? Just how?

        Weeks have passed, sitting, thinking, time passed by and us? Okay, we'e not finished...

         If we would have to live again, we would finish that earlier, not like this... not like we're chasing time. We're not finish... just need the materials...

Saturday, March 7, 2015

the final design for the 2nd activity

Diagram for 3rd activity

hahaha. I forgot to post this.

Presenting... The Diagram

6th week progress chart







3rd day: all about that next activity

Since we still have no circuit board, we used all of AD Tech's time to think for the 3rd activity. The 3rd activity is: A scene where there is a problem, we would solve that by the things we did from the last 2 activities about electricity. We can use wood, plastic, illustration board, and many more.

The suggestions we had are:

  • The phone compartment where there is the vibrate sensor for the light to on for us to wake up from sleeping.
  • The one like in cars where when we push the button, there will be the sensor so that it can light. So if we can't find our missing phone, we would have to push the button which is in your bracelet.
  • The glow in the dark key compartment
  • others
We still didn't decide which one.
*Still thinking

2nd day: Group meeting

We did a little group meeting continuing the discussion about where would be the LED's be placed. So we came with this... *the windows with shade are the locations for LED's... We also planned for the color of the artifact which is black. 

 We also decided what circuit would be better for the artifact. We chose parallel circuit rather than series because of the reason that sir Oro gave: More light, and my group mates said: When a light busted in series, all bulbs would not work.

1st day: For the mean time

Since we still lack of circuit board, we just put the LDR and glued the newspaper to the illustration board. We also planned  for the location of the 7 LED's we were gonna use.


We also did a little brainstorm for the next activity...

6th week: Finishing and Starting over again

While we we're finishing the 2nd activity, sir Oro told us that there is another activity. We can do this!! *What?!* Oh well, we have no choice

Friday, February 27, 2015

Design Brief: Key Tag

Our journey was quite challenging. Dealing with electronics, it's our first time. We've been through ups and downs. Learned from our mistakes... This is the output.

Our design is not very complicated. The color is orange. We used color paper for We wrapped it up by scatch tape for the long life of the key tag. Our LED is blue for its beautiful effect (and also our favorite color). You can turn on the light by pinching like what the hand is doing.

Constrains AND Considerations (Torch Light Holder)

1 illustration board
2. masking tape
3. ruler
4, cutter
5, wire
6, LDR
7. potential meter
8. scissors
9. 9 volts battery
10. resistor

1. Color
2. material to use for coloring
3. design
4. size of flashlight
5. cellophane (and its color)
6. number of LED's use (5,6 or 7 LED's)

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Constrains AND Considerations (Key Tag)

Sorry for the late post...

1. Illustration board
2. wire
3. resistor
4. coin battery
5. masking tape
6. Size (5x7 cm)
7. LED
8. Soldering iron
9. sponge
10. ruler
11. cutter
12. scissors

1. Color
2. material to use for coloring
3. design
4. position of lines and circles

Red and Blue

Cellophane we used. This would be the color under the cellophane...    :)

2nd day meeting for the week... 3rd day of Ad Tech: Making it Work

Since we don't have a class on the Wednesday, it's our 2nd meeting for the week. We tried to finish the artifact... We finished the parts and we just have to stick it with each other. but we have to use the glue stick for neatness.

1st day: A very not good day

As I consulted what I did last weekend to my group mates, George didn't like it. He said I was "padalos-dalos". I felt guilty because I never consulted the design...

I just said if he doesn't like the design, at least include the back part and we can move on.

(don't have photo)

5th Week: Full of Frustrations

This week was such a frustration for me. Changing of plans. Turns out what I did last weekend was a failure. Well, We finalized the design. As in FINAL. F-I-N-A-L.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Selfie with the artifact :)


3rd day: Worthy?

Worthy? Worthy for my 7 hours straight working for it? Well... I don't have a choice. Probably this week is the dead line. BTW, its not finished yet.

Here are the photos:

2nd day: "Let me do this thing"

Saturday morning. I woke up early at 7 am because we went to centro of Goa to buy the things needed. I worked for 7 hours. The pause were only to eat and go to cr.

I was not able to take pictures...

1st day: Friday alone

Friday night. It was around 10-11:30 pm. My friends Maricon David and Junelle Bongalos were doing their artifact. I was challenge because we have not started with the cutting and so. I asked for their suggestions. They suggested the Burj Al Arab of Dubai.

4th Week: Still stuck in Compartments

Our meeting for Ad Tech are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. This week, there is no classes for that 3 days for the following: 2-day seminar of Y-LEAD and the Chinese New Year. We were not able to meet.

In the day of Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I was determined to finish the artifact. The bad thing is: I never consulted the 2 boys about the plan. I was scared if they would like it...

Sunday, February 15, 2015

3rd week: Progress Chart!

To Do
1st day
2nd day
3rd day
1.       Thought of the design

2.       Finalized the design

3.       Measurement

4.       Draft the part(s) in the illustration board

5.       Cut

6.       Finalized the structure of the design or theme

2nd day: Superman daw

Wind blew my hair... wosh, wosh. My eyes filled scenery of the fairy tale world. Crying for help for our design... we just need a superhero... Then a man came along with an enormous cape blowed by the wind, it was Superman coming down to the floor. I realized... I was day dreaming -_-

After I gained my conscience, realizing it was unreal. Then George thought of Superman theme. Like "WHAT!!!". Ohh Well, We just agreed.

We had our initial design. At first it was horizontal type but we argued that it would be vertical because its a building. We agreed.

1st day: Signs for Design

Here we are again... Seeking for a good design. Throughout the weekend, we searched for a good design. Here are some suggestions:
(it's the only picture I can get.)
We seek for advice of some, and I get Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, and etc.

Throughout the whole day, it's just all about the design...

3rd day: Me-sure

         We draw the final design as "superman" theme.  And We finalized the measurements. We also consulted our design to sir Oro. He said that we should give more details to the design because it looks so plain.
         While George and Alec are adding more details to the designs, Steph was cutting the top-thing of the artifact. Steph suggested the using of cellophane for the effects. And the group agreed.

3rd week: C-0-M-P-A-R-T-M-E-N-T

Since we're through with the 1st task, We were assigned to make a compartment for a flashlight. The compartment is a modified building. The challenge is: There is a wood-thing where the wires and batteries should be put on. There is a sensor that when it gets dark, (of course we need flashlight) the sensor will sense that its dark that will make the LED glow.
The primary materials needed are wires, 5-7 LED's and battery. Good Luck to us. And of course, God Bless. :)

Monday, February 9, 2015

2nd Week: Progress Chart

To Do
1st day
2nd day
3rd day
1.       Draw designs to paper (new design)

2.       Choose what will be the design

3.       Assemble wires, bulbs, batteries

4.       Cut the deign

5.       Draw design to illustration board

6.       Paint

7.       Assemble with cover

3rd day: color for the artifact

Paint, our first choice... but we decided that it would be art paper so that it neat and clean... :)

2nd day

We assembled the wires and bulbs and all.We finished it in this day.But we don't have color to color.                                         

1st day: New design

We discovered that our electric shiz last week got lost.
We have to make new design because we realized that the design is not good for the battery and we don't feel it. We choose again design from the ten designs and ended up nothing chosen so we draw again and make one. We cut it until the bell ringed.